I Can Help You Through Financial And Domestic Abuse
Marriage is supposed to be a partnership. In some marriages, however, one partner is so domineering that the relationship becomes tilted and dysfunctional with the dominant partner not only having all the power in the marriage but exercising that power through intimidation and control. Sometimes authority is exercised through verbal abuse, sometimes through financial control and sometimes by physical violence.
Over my 45 years of work as an attorney, I have seen all manner of abusive relationships and have helped victims to seek a better situation. When I worked as a prosecutor I put away the abusers, and now as a private attorney, I have helped victims to protect themselves from abuse for over 35 years.
An Experienced Attorney Can Help You Escape Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse, in whatever form, is a difficult subject, and not one that people willingly discuss. Very often the victims of verbal abuse or financial control don’t realize the toll that such abuse is taking, or even that they are being abused. At times, victims of physical violence even believe that the violence is their fault and that if they behaved differently, their abuser would not have acted as he/she did.
No matter what form domestic abuse takes, the blame does not lie with the victim. In a divorce situation, your attorney needs to be sensitive to the dynamics of the relationship between the parties and the particular needs of an abused spouse. It is all too often that victims of abuse are afraid to even see an attorney because it has been pounded into their heads that if they try to leave their abusive relationship, they will be left homeless and penniless.
You Can Turn To Me For Help
Very often, the hardest thing someone in an abusive relationship will ever do is make that first call to an attorney. It is hard to learn to stand up for yourself when you have been subjected to years of verbal, financial or physical abuse. Let me be your backbone and help you stand up for yourself. Call my Westport office at CTN NOT READY or send me an email to schedule a free and confidential initial consultation.